Is my bf trying to control my bday

So my bday is coming up I’m turning 18 & my bf is 19 turning 20 in dec. I’ve been making plans and inviting a few ppl like my cousin & 5 other friends . I don’t have much friends but those are the closest people to me . I said I’m gonna get a hotel room by all the activities for one night so we all don’t have to come back and forth plus my cousin and 1 friend is coming from out of state so they need a place to stay anyway, he’s sleeping over I guess and he picked out what room for me to get and said remember WE said this is what we want and I’m like wtf we ?? are u paying? He chose the most expensive one which is by the beach and on the 19th floor like hm if you gon pay fine but if not just shutup. Then he keeps inviting random ass people like oh yea I told this person they can come trying to make rules and telling people bring whoever they want and I’m just puzzled like ... wtf are u doing I’m not even a people person he keep inviting randoms and I don’t like that we’ve been arguing for the past 2 days (not bday related) and I don’t want to bring this up now cause he’s gonna say you’re so serious u take everything to heart blah blah ur a grandma and I’m not it’s just that .. who are u like what are u doing & he also mentioned oh yea we gotta be turnt because I didn’t do much for my 18th we gotta get lit . Like baby nooo it’s MY birthday not yours you turned 18 almost 2 years ago!! Wtf