I don't know what's going on

Okay, so I'm a little nervous. Last year at this time I decided to get on the repo shots up until January of this year was my last shot and I haven't had it since. Me and my then boyfriend have been ttc since basically right after the shot but I knew it'd be ineffective but the shot has worn off because I did experience excessive bleeding around April my last shot was supposed to be in March. In June I did get my period, it lasted my normal 4 days so I figured I was getting on track I'm past due for my period now I'm usually never late but I know it's because of the shots but I only had three doses😔😔 Wednesday morning I took a test. It came back negative but I think I may have taken it too early since me and my boyfriend was having sex four days earlier. I'm not sure if I could get pregnant a small voice in my head said to wait 6 days. I'm hella nervous but was hoping that maybe someone knows how I feel or went through it. Please give a little advice. Oh and things have been weird. A little nausea but I don't throw up, sensitivity to smell hungry as hell but as soon as I eat I'm disgusted. Moodiness it could just be an imbalance I do want this baby but I am willing to accept the inevitable