Venting. Sorry.

I'm over the moon happy about being pregnant and having a baby. I'm doing everything I'm suppose to be doing and taking care of myself and my baby. Anyways, I'm 25 and most of the people I know are starting to have babies as well, however my close friends aren't. They're still going out every single weekend and sometimes during the week and drinking. I miss them so much. I don't miss going out and drinking. I've just been so lonely. They're very excited about me having a baby and have been so supportive and say we'll make plans and whatever, but it's yet to happen. I feel selfish cause I can't expect them to adjust their lives for me. And I also feel bad because all I seem to talk about is baby but I can't help it. My guy/the father of my baby has been amazing fortunately. He's always around and we do stuff. But it's just not the same as girl time. Obviously I need to talk to my girl friends and tell them how I feel and that I wanna hang out. It's just taking some getting used to being pregnant and I know once our baby is born things will be immensely different still, even though I'm so excited about it regardless. Just have some things to get in the swing of.