Who thinks it's ok to touch a pregnant women's baby bumb?!


OK , I feel like I need to go on a slight rant ! I have EXTREME High Anxiety and have a very big issue with anyone touching me or coming near me to close and it's really bad now because Im pregnant & I want to protect my baby as much as a mother possibly can! So anyways the reason why I'm posting this , This past weekend my fiancée best friend is getting married and their bridal party was on Saturday now the future bride and I DO NOT get along at all ! She has been very rude to me in the past years and I've done nothing to her , so I was going to be in the wedding party because my fiancé is and I was just going to bite my tongue and do what I have to but long story short she had been EXTREMELY rude to me over txt because somthing that had to do with me being in the wedding at would be 31 weeks pregnant and she wasn't understanding so she decided to be bridezilla and I decided at that point I don't want to acknowledge her any further and would only do things to support my fiancé and his friend , SO back to Saturday my fiancé and I don't even get through the door she says high and before I could even get my foot through the door frame she grabs my tummy and rubs and shakes it ! I could NOT believe what had just happend ! My anxiety went up from 0-1000000 in a matter of seconds and I started shaking and i had started getting angry because the person who is so rude to me and thinks she can speak to me any way she's pleases touches the one thing I am protective of most ! And for her to treat me any way she wants and then feels that it's ok to then touch myself and my baby I couldn't do it anymore and I had to withdraw myself from being in the wedding ! After the party coming home I tell my fiancé how I felt about what happend and he says it's not a big deal that she touched me and that hurt even more then being violated. How can I get him to understand that it's not ok and how can I stop this from happening again by her or by someone else ????

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