Unwanted grandson

I have no one to talk to and I had to get this out of my chest: I am kind of heartbroken that my mom doesn’t want/love my unborn son. (Ok she is definitely excited for us and obviously loves the idea of having another grandchild.) 🧒🏻

But my mom already has a grandson through my brother. I heard her telling her friend that she wanted a granddaughter this time. Today I jokingly told my mom that I know she wanted a granddaughter. Guess what she said: “oh maybe the second one will be a girl.” I honestly expected her to say that she’ll love her grandchild no matter what. 😢

I am very close to my mom and it is very heartbreaking that she is not excited about my child. 🙍🏻‍♀️

Or is it pregnancy hormones getting to me? Feel free to comment please. 🤰🏻

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