Down syndrome / ultra sound

Tiffany • LDS. Mommy of 4🙏🏽💓

UPDATE: I got my test results from he ultra sound & blood test. 90% chance of Down syndrome and 90% of trisomy 18 also known as Edwards syndrome. No matter what happens, my son will be loved💕

I went for my 20week ultra sound to find out the gender & to go through measurements and what not. (Yay, it’s a boy!) my ultrasound took about an hour and a half. I noticed that we could get the arms but no fingers. The legs but no toes. (Wasn’t sure if it was the baby being difficult or...) I noticed the we kept going back to the head. She showed me the lining which was his skull and the inside was his brain. She looked at it for a good 20-25mins. Tried the face but I can’t seem to see anything noticeable. But I was thinking usually at this time of pregnancy the face is noticeable but today, it just seemed different. Then she ended the ultrasound and told me so far so good but she had to talk to the Dr and the dr would be in to do the ultrasound.

Finally the dr comes in and explains to me that they couldn’t see some things they needed to. Yet she went back to the head for awhile then the neck... ten minutes go by and she says she was done. I am full of thoughts but nothing comes out of my mouth. She then explains that for further ultrasound appointments, it’ll be between me and my OB. Then I am told because I missed my second blood draw I have to get it done today. Also, today marks 20+3 and I barely feel anything. Kicks here and there but that’s about it😏

Has anybody been through this worrisome journey? No matter what happens, I’ll love and cherish my baby just as much as his older brother and sister❤️