Missing period and on estrogen?

Hi ladies, this is my first post. I'm 38 years old and recently lost my period in April.  I haven't had a period since. Husband and I are trying to conceive so I went to the doctor last month and I have a thin endometrium. All of my hormone levels and endocrinology are normal but the doctor says my brain isn't communicating with my body. I'm not going through menopause but the doctor is trying to help my body get back in sync by taking estrogen pills for 3 weeks, then progesterone for 1 week. I was told this pill combination isn't birth control but it will still be hard to conceive without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Has anyone gone through this before?  I'm hoping if the hormones thicken my endometrium and my ovaries release an egg I might be able to get pregnant without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Sorry for the long post, just hoping someone out there has been through this and has some positive thoughts or experiences to share.