30 weeks and cervical funneling


Yesterday I went into my doctors appointment expecting just a boring appointment where i got a quick listen babies heart beat. I mentioned that I’d been having Braxton Hicks for a few weeks now and I was getting enough to keep me awake at night but they weren’t consistent. My doctor did a test and it came back positive for preterm labor. She said I also had 2 infections and one would cause a positive, so she sent me in for an ultrasound to measure my cervix. Turns out it’s funneling(getting shorter) and it shouldn’t be at this point. I had to go in for a steroid injection just in case I go into labor early so baby’s lungs will be better developed. So now I’m on bed rest and I can no longer see my midwife and I have to see an obgyn at a clinic I’ve never been to because I’m not allowed to ride in the car for the distance I’d been going (40 minutes away).

My question is has anyone else been through this and made it to full term? Or if you were early how was your experience?