Life story..

So before I was born, my mom and dad had met somewhere. They ended up having a relationship and they ended up having sex and my mom got pregnant and the relationship ended. When I was born there were problems between my parents and my mom didn’t let my dad see me.

So eventually that led up to a court case. I was about 1-2 and my dad lost the case and he saw me even less. He ended up leaving the state. I ended up getting a step-dad when I was about 4. Everything went great for a while until I was hit for the first time. I told my mom something about my step dad and he came in there and yanked me up by my t-shirt and was screaming in my face. My mom stood there and watched and then they both left. I started seeing my biological dad 1 month out a year when I turned 8.

Skip a couple years and when I was 12 my biological dad moved back down. That year my step dad ended up hurting me again. I ended up going to CPS.. nothing happened. I started seeing my biological dad every 2 weekends. It went great. Skip another year and when I was in 8th grade I became depressed and started cutting.. and also my step dad and I had the worst fight and I ended up running to my friends house and going in their house and I was hysterical.

Skip to freshman year, I told my mom I wanted to kill myself and she called me an attention seeker. at the end of the year my stepdad hurt me again and my sister was going to help me run away and I ended up not going through with it. During the summer of freshman year I met a guy who was 19 and we ended up dating for a month. He left his vape while we hung out and I ended up keeping it.

I stopped cutting last December and I’ve been clean since. Recently my parents found out that I’ve drank and vaped. My biological dad has been a complete jerk since. It makes me mad though since he wasn’t there for a while, he’s been in my life for 6 years if even. I’ve been wanting to get emancipated. I don’t know how it would work since my mother doesn’t allow me to have a job unless its in the summer. I don’t know how it would work though.

What would you suggest I do? *please do realize that I’m only 16 though so please no hate*