Bad headaches anyone?

36 weeks and the past couple weeks been getting bad headaches almost to the point of migraines. Stable BP no pre eclampsia symptoms or anything. Idk if it's from lack of sleep from inability to get comfortable, can only sleep like 2-3 hours max at a time then up most the night or my allergies flaring up or just flat out exhaustion lol Tylenol barely cuts it anymore! 😴😕  Anyone else ready have their baby!!??? 😁

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I went from drinking coffee daily to none at all and my doc suggested I drink a little caffeine a day to help. And I don't have migraines anymore. I don't drink coffee daily maybe every 2 or 3 days.


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Stay hydrated drink plenty of water 


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My doctor told me to drink Mountain Dew when taking Tylenol & it creates a reaction just like the most prescribed migraine medication without the risk 


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Mabye get an eye exam, I have had perfect vision my whole life and 4 months into my pregnancy I had to get glasses