Unusual breast pain

AF is one day late according to glow. I tested negative yesterday around 6am. A couple hours later I had my morning coffee and some breakfast and I got SO nauseous. Like the worst I've ever been in a long time, I couldn't even finish my breakfast. i was also experiencing really bad allergies so I figured I had a cold. Now that I'm thinking about it I actually felt really feverish too so I took Tylenol cold to ease my sinuses and fever. Went out to run errands and I was fine for the rest of the day other than a very brief moment of nausea that passed. Im also okay so far this morning other than my usual allergies. Before bed my fiance mentioned that my boobs looked bigger and I just kind of got all "TEHE THANKS" (I have small boobs okay) and brushed it off. But this morning my nipples are fricken killing me!!! they hurt to the touch and then my actual boobs feel really heavy/pressure? and almost like my whole breast is tingling. I really can't even explain the feeling but it's so strange. I have NEVER had breast changes before my period, but I also had a negative test. I swear it's not in my head, what the heck is going on 🙈