Did I over exaggerate?!? *STORY TIME*


So yesterday we were chillin in my boyfriends room and I had just done his hair and while his hair was processing we got in a mini argument blah blah blah so then I was just mad at him bc he was being an ass and he was tryna get me to stop being mad by like making jokes and whatever so I didn’t talk to him then he went to go take a shower because of the hair dye and so i stayed in his room and my phone died and I heard his phone vibrate so I was like mmm ok I’m bored but I shouldn’t look at his phone because it’s a lack of trust you know but then I was like fuck it who texted you and it was just some girl who had been texting him about a job and I saw the messages nothing bad but then I was like mmmm oh well I’m already snooping so lemme see who he’s been texting and I opened his messages and only guys and I got out and locked his phone but then I was like hmmm only guys?? so I got back on and I literally scrolled down one tiny bit and I see Jennifer so first before I even opened it I was like HOLD UP wtf what?? (Jennifer is his ex they were together for 4 years) I thought maybe it’s someone else but then I started reading the messages and no it’s his ex I was so mad & I was crying ..I was that mad. so then I lock his phone again and I’m waiting for him to get back but then I’m like no I wanna know what they have been texting about so I unlock it again and I’m reading all of it and they were talking about how fucked up things are between them and they just want the best for each other then his bitch ass told her to come over Then she said kkk I’m here I was furious once again I was crying. So I stopped reading there and I grabbed my backpack and I was about to leave and I decided not to bc I wanted to hear what he was gonna say and he walked in and I threw his phone and he came up to me and tried to kiss me and i pushed him and i was like sit your ass down and he was like what what’s wrong and i was like have you been talking to Jennifer and he was like did you go thru my phone and I screamed have you been talking to Jennifer and he was like yes I was like why why tf are you texting her he was like we have just been talking like friends and I was like so why didn’t you tell me and I was like you think that’s okay?! He was like no I’m sorry I should have told you but it’s nothing and I was like really? Because you even told her to come over you think that’s okay? And I was SCREAM CRYING and shaking and I was on the other side of the bed and he starts explaining that it’s nothing and it didn’t mean anything that when they hung out they just talked in her car and they always ended up fighting so at this point I can’t even look at him I’m so furious and he was just explaining that he would never get back with her that I know how she did him wrong and that he can’t forget how bad she made him feel and how wrong she did him and all he wanted to do is talk and stop hating her he thought that by them being cool he could stop hating her and it would all just work and I was still like why tf didn’t you tell me and he was Crying at this point and he was like it’s not how you think it is I would never do you how she did me and he was like she hurt me to the point of no return and I could never do that to you because I love you and I never wanna hurt you he was like I know I fucked up by not telling you and I have lost your trust but you are the only girl I love and I don’t want to lose you and all this other bs and I was crying uncontrollably and he came to hug me and I was just sitting there bc I didn’t want him to touch me and he was like I understand why you are mad and I don’t blame you I just want you to know you are better than anyone I’ve ever had blah blah then he was like Jennifer put me though all this bullshit and made me feel worthless but you’ve fixed me and I don’t ever want to let you go he was telling me all this and my dumbass couldn’t say anything I had never gotten like this but I was just crying like I was speechless and he was like I’m sorry I did this to you but I promise nothing happened and this ends here because you’re the one I want forever and all that he was comparing me to her and saying she’s nothing compared to me so then im calmer I’m not crying but I’m still not talking bc I’m pissed and he was like I don’t know how it happened but I’m convinced you’re the one I was meant to be with I know it’s too soon but love doesn’t have a time limit and i know you’re the love of my life but if you feel like i fail you or I’m not worth it or You could do better I don’t want to hold you back I just want you to know one thing first. That I see a future with you I want to grow with you and one day, If god lets us, make you my wife i know you were sent into my life to fix me and i won’t lose you and all this other bs so now I’m crying again bc I’m stuck on the fact that he said he wants to marry me and i got scared tbfh but yeah anyways so I guess so believed him and I want this to work so I want to give him time to prove to me that he’s fr he’s not gonna be talking to that piece of shit and I swear if I catch him doing that again that’s where it ends Should I have broke up with him?? Did I exaggerate on getting mad?? Am I wrong for blaming her? I have so many questions and I’m trying so hard to trust him but I’m scared to get hurt