At least they aren't bitter!

I've had some friends for a long time that I have watched do very well in life, while mine was getting effed up in every area possible for the better part of an entire decade. I was supportive of them and happy for them and tried to learn from them. Many are business owners, good marriages, homes, etc and I always congratulated them. FINALLY in the last year and a half my life is starting to look up. Got out of abusive marriage I had been stuck in, then made it out of homelessness with my kids, have a wonderful SO now and we are TTC, found a great job, getting a handle on finances and have a small but very nice place that I rent... FINALLY. Now each of them are acting mad, and because I'm doing good...? It's not even like they're suddenly doing so bad, they have one tiny setback and act like it's the end of everything in their lives. And if I dare to be happy because things are finally looking up for me and my family, I'm "smug"????? I don't know what to do except let em go.