Please help me

know I’m not supposed to post this here but I’m having trouble getting a lot of people to sign my petition I mean I have 48people on each one but I need to get to way more it’s for a zoo in Lubbock tx

Here’s why

There are not very many things to do in Lubbock tx other than eat and for others go to clubs and bars and walk the mall but as big as Lubbock is we need more things for families that are great and also educational at the same time most of the time children will just be playing video games or getting into trouble but if we have a zoo we can all come together as one and enjoy quality family time it will bring a lot of travelers to Lubbock growing the cities money because travelers need to check into hotels and shop so please here us out we need more here a zoo will give people also great memories of Lubbock tx

please bring a zoo to Lubbock tx

Here’s both links