Need some Bridesmaid advice please!

Okay bit of back story:

Got engaged in October 2017 and

I’m getting married this upcoming November. I have 3 bridesmaids in the wedding.

My sister bridesmaid #1 the MOH, bridesmaid #2 best friend since middle school and bridesmaid #3 is my best friend from high school.

#3 was (yes past tense) dating my twin brother and they broke up in April after only dating for 6 months. It ended horribly and honestly because of her. She was unfaithful with her previous BF and started unnecessary rumors about him. I felt horrible for my brother, but wanted to let it go because she has been my friend for so long. And this is when sh*t started rolling down hill. She normally was over my place multiple times a week and went full MIA. Even canceled plans on tickets I bought for the two of us for super-cross telling me she had to work and fricken went with a different group of people.... then hasn’t come to a single wedding event like trying on wedding dresses, picking out bridesmaid dresses (then got mad the dress was $75... said it was expensive so I just paid for it for her after she literally spent $300+ on false eyelashes), canceled on the bachelorette party, and just honestly stopped being a friend in general. I’ve reached out sooooo many times pleading to reignite the friendship that I just feel stupid now...literally saying “I need my friend right now”.....ive asked her just come over and talk and she canceled at first but I got her to stop by for 15 minutes (she only lives 7min away)and she was definitely distant but told me nothing was wrong and said she wanted to be in the wedding...?? It gave me a bit of hope to hear she still cared in the slightest because I still don’t understand why she blacklisted me. But now a week has passed and no answer to my messages just saying hey and asking if she likes the centerpieces I picked out and the invites.... Idk what to do.... she was my best friend and not like this what so ever!!!. Do I ask her to step down.... but I know that would burn the bridge.