I really need some advice for pride this year❤️❤️

So I really want to go to pride this year, I’ve never gone to a pride event. I’ve always seen it online and have always wanted to go. Just a few weeks ago I came out to my mom because she made fun of some rainbow socks and I started crying and she sort of forced me out and felt really bad. Anyhoo, I want to ask her to take me to pride but I’m very scared of what she will say and think. I asked her if I could buy a rainbow flag and she said “Now that’s where I draw the line” and I gave her a confused sad look and she said “Only because it won’t match your room..”

So I’m very nervous and idk how to ask her, first before I even decided going I looked up if it would be appropriate for people under 18. (I’m 13)

and I found some very helpful stuff. I looked it up so I wouldn’t be like “hey mom can i go to pride” and she be like “No it’s inappropriate for your age.”

but now that I have stuff about how it’s appropriate she can’t really say that.

I was sort of thinking I could just send this text and she would get the idea

(The links are about “your child’s first pride and what to bring” and the second one is about it being okay.

Or do you think she would be mad at me like “Why are you sending this?!” Or am I making an awkward convo for later which i don’t want?

Or am I just overthinking??

I just need some advice.