any ideas whats wrong? Super long sorry


I don't have any money to go the the doctor right now but I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I have been sick since Monday. on Monday I woke up with a headache so I took a bunch of pain killers to try and get rid if it because it was like killing me. but after about an hour it was still there so I took more. then a but later still had the head ache but I noticed my nose was on fire and it smelled like a dentist office (I know weird) it was so bad I was dizzy and my vision got all blurry. and I felt so tired I couldn't stay awake which was weird as I had only been up for a couple hours. I ended up falling asleep for 6 hours and woke up throwing up and having so much stomach pains I had to call 911 and get taken to the hospital but for some reason they were crazy busy and I ended up being there for 6 hours with out them ever doing anything besides giving me a pill to stop vomiting. Finally I just gave up and went home still in pain but I couldn't be there any longer. since then I have been sick from everything I eat or drink, I have this weird burning in my nose feels like with you are swimming and get water in it, I can't keep my eyes open and awake for more then a couple hours and I just am over all sick feeling and looking. anyone know anything that could be causing this? I have insurance but I don't have a doctor and I don't have money for co-pays so I couldn't go anyway.