Full Moon Baby!

Caitlin • Mama x3 💕 Expecting our 🌈 07/2022

A little back story: my first came at 38 weeks exactly. 9 hour labor. My water broke to start it and I progressed to fast for any meds. I labored hard with him. Back to back contractions and indescribable pain. So I knew this labor would be very similar.

Well, Liam Antonio decided it was time to make his grand entrance early this morning! I had been in prodromal labor since Monday and last night around 7pm I started getting real contractions. They quickly went from 5 minutes apart, to 3 minutes apart, to 2 minutes apart in less than an hour. I told my husband we needed to get to the hospital now and we will just call on the way. When we got there my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart and lasting a minute long. I wasn’t getting a break and couldn’t move from the pain. I was aiming for unmedicated birth again but the pain was too much. I was uncontrollably shaking, vomiting, and couldn’t respond to anyone. So I decided I needed an epidural.

I was already almost 5cm so they ordered it ASAP before I was even in a delivery room. It was HELL getting it in once we were ready, as I couldn’t move and the contractions kept coming. BUT the relief it instantly brought me was unimaginable. I could breath, talk, and comprehend what was happening again... this is until the pain came back 10fold! Turns out they forgot to turn the actual epidural drip on! So when the initial meds wore off, the pain came back immediately! Thankfully they rectified it quickly.

My water was broken and within 45 minutes it was time to push. Baby started having HR decels due to how fast my body was progressing but thankfully at that point it was time to push. 6 pushes and he was out. It was so much less traumatic than my first delivery and I was able to enjoy welcoming him into the world.

Things don’t always go as planned but I am happy with how they turned out! Labor was 5 hours total from “I think this is a real contraction” to baby on my chest. I had such a wonderful midwife and nurse. Everything was so peaceful and calm!

So Welcome Liam Antonio. Born at 38+3 on June 28 @ 12:08am. 7lb 5oz and 19.5 inches! He is just amazing!