Not handling bed rest well anymore. Possibly slipping into depression.


I'm 28 weeks with my rainbow baby. I'm so grateful to have him and that he is healthy, but I'm so miserable.

Bed rest for nearly a month now. My whole body aches from being immobile. I'm having episodes of nausea, and contractions, everything I eat (or dont eat) gives me reflux directly handed from hell. My arms feel so tired and heavy I can barely use them if I wanted to. I've been crying in discomfort all day. My appetite is gone. I'm hypoglycemic, but had gone the whole day today on a small bowl of cereal. It finally dawned on me about an hour ago that that was all id eaten today and I forced myself to eat a PBJ for baby's sake.

I tried to do yoga this morning, and will again tomorrow morning, though frankly it doesn't seem to be helping. I just don't know how I'll make it another 12 weeks in this condition with my sanity. And I'm not sure my 2 yr old will still love his slacked mommy in 12 weeks either. :(

Does anyone have any tips? I keep feeling like my attitude would be alot better, if I didn't hurt so much. :(