Rachel • 25 years of age -- one angel baby (Emelia Rose) and my rainbow baby born 07/13/15 (Layla Marie). Baby boy due 03/03/2017
I came in to be evaluated for spotting, cramping and back pain on Sunday July, 12th (38 weeks, 1 day). Once they checked my blood pressure it was over 140/90...they kept checking it for about 2 hours and the last one I saw was 158/100. I am now admitted and am being induced! Not the way I really planned on things happening, but I'm SO glad I came in to be checked! 
I'm currently on pitocin and I have the bulb in my cervix to open it some more. I was dilated to a two when I came in, so they want it to dilate me two more cm before they switch to just pitocin. I'm contracting every minute and a half to two minutes and I'm already in pain. Just playing the waiting game! Will update throughout the process! ❤️❤️❤️ I can't wait to meet my princess! 
UPDATE: As of 4:09AM I am 5cm and I am getting an epidural here soon! My water was broken and baby girl is at -2 station and I'm 50% effaced. Took a wonderful hot shower that I needed desperately to help me relax. I'm already 5cm and I've been on pitocin since 12. I'm so excited...time for some rest!