
Samantha • Boy Mom, from Son up to Sun down 💚

I have been ttc sense Aug 2017. a few months ago I finally went into the doctor because I am very irregular with my periods and sometimes don't have them. my doctor put me on a pegestrone boost to start my periods. this is the 2nd month I've taken the pill and I took it and within the time frame it says and thata within 3 days after the 10 day pill cycle. I had my period from June 8th through the 12th and it was on the lighter side. It then said that my peek ovulation say was supposed to be Sunday June 24th. I took ovulation tests and I got a faint lime Friday night and a darker faint like Saturdsy and Sunday nothing. this morning my discharge was a egg white look it seemed when I whipped after pooping (I know tmi I'm sorry). I read that the egg white discharge is indication you're ovulating. I'm so lost.