Heat of the moment UPDATED

****UPDATED: Hi Ladies just letting you know after a few days of bloating, cramps and headaches I saw a start of my period, and I will be starting bc on the weekend. thanks for the support, stressful time never doing it again, love him but not the stress lol******...please don't judge just advise...so last night after a few days of not seeing my man, we saw each other. The sex was off the chain...too much positions to talk about. He withdrew and came. I havent decided on a BC because I have other hormonal issues. So withdrawing was the best choice. This morning, he was just as horny as the night before and we were going at it. This time he came inside me...I was a little stunned because he doesnt want anymore kids, saying he will not cum inside me w/o the pill or spermicide. Today is my fertile window, too busy this week to notice but now I realize why I'm so horny...and due to my weight I was told Plan B may not work. Do I wait it out....or take Plan B anyways? I feel stupid and I do take partial responsibility.Be kind with your responses, Im feeling nervous. Thanks.