Whitney • Wife (5/20/17). Christian. Mommy to Ryleigh (8/08/18). 👨‍👩‍👧

I officially hate every restaurant we go to in town. Every time we go anywhere, the food is really bad for me. I’m 31 weeks pregnant, and the morning sickness has come back with a vengeance, so even just a small taste of something can put me off of food.

I ordered a cheeseburger and normally they serve them dry with sauces on the side. Not this time. One bite in, all I could taste was mustard. I hated mustard before I got pregnant, and I instantly got sick. So bad that I couldn’t eat another bite. They took it, after I had maybe 4 fries, and because of my anxiety, I still have to pay for something I didn’t eat. >_< Not fun.