I’m having a girl!!

Niki 🤰🏼

Despite getting 4 comments on one post saying it’s a boy and then two polls for fun with boy leading my baby’s a girl!!

I’ve had no morning sickness just nausea occasionally, my face did break out slightly early on although only in my usual areas just worse but how’s my face is practically clear apart from 1-2 pimples at a time, I was craving anything fruit and veg at the beginning on the pregnancy and couldn’t even stand the thought of fast food with out getting nauseous. Now I’m slowly wanting fast food again unfortunately 😂

I haven’t eaten lamb in about 5 years but HAD to have it the other night I just could get roast lamb out of my head so that was weird. I have never liked cheese but have recently wanted cheese on nachos or on my pasta which again is weird!

Baby came from right ovary which they say is a boy, wrong

Chinese calendar said girl

My hair on my belly has grown quite a lot

Although I recently noticed my leg hairs are growing back slower! Usually they grow so quick and so thick but not this week which is weird!

EVERYONE thought it would be a boy even my partner but here is my little girl!!!!

I’ll post her scans from 13 weeks where everyone said boy even I thought boy!!!

But she is 100% girl!! They didn’t print me a picture as it was a private 3D/4D clinic were the package only included 3D images! But definitely seen the three lines no mistaking that!!

These are at 13 weeks :)

These are today at 16 + 4 :)

I know they might not look the cutest to you but I’m absolutely obsessed with my little princess!!!