Freaking out a little 😰

Tricia • 👼👼👼👼👼 👶🎀

I had a miscarriage in Feb. I’m currently 6w4d. I had some minimal spotting last week that only lasted 1.5 days. They did an US and found a subchorionic hemorrhage and a gestational & yolk sac. Have another US Thursday with OB.

These are my numbers this time and doc is worried due to the rise (not doubling)...

June 8 - 45 (Progesterone 81)

June 18 - 4595 (Progesterone 75.5)

June 20 - 7037

June 25 - 9393

June 29 - 12,073

I’m freaking out!!! 😰😰😰

Do the numbers look ok?