My daughter

On lady’s I need so advice,

I have a daughter she is 11 yrs now. I was at work on Friday and I got a phone call from the daycare that I had to come pick her up. Because they were sending her home. Cause she and 3 other kids there lock a TEACHER in a closet to the point that the teacher was bagging on the door and crying when they finally let her out. This is something that sounds so cruel to me and disrespectful.

Also this does not sound like my daughter at all. Because she has never gotten in trouble before. Like never not at daycare not at school. Not at bible study. Never she is a good girl. So when I got the phone call I was in shock to hear that the owner of the daycare said my daughter was the one holding the door shut. When I got the news all I said to the owner was “I will send my sister to pick her up and I will talk to her when I get home and ground her myself.”

The owner said she will not be able to go on the field trips for the upcoming week.

I got home and ask my daughter, what happen at daycare today. She started to cry and said she had when over there looking for the teacher that was in charge to ask about and assignments they were working on and she lean on the door. And that’s when the other teacher came in. And got the other teacher out the closet and took all the kids that where there at the moment. And started scream and say they where in so much trouble. And didn’t try to hear her side of the story. And told her she had to write and apology letter. So my daughter wrote the letter cause she didn’t want to get in anymore trouble.

Now what I need advice with is I believe my daughter that she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But idk if I should punish her or just give the benefit of the doubt.

P.s. this is a new daycare that I moved her to. She has only been at this daycare for the last 3 months. I’m lost here I do t know what to do.