Husband is Freaked out!


So on Wednesday, my husband and I went to a growth ultrasound and then to my OB right after. I am 37 weeks so my OB checked for dilation. When she did, she made the comment "Oh theres her head! She's really down here." She said I was dilated to a 2.5 and 50% effaced and she's at a -1. This makes me really happy and excited cause it could be anytime now! When we got home I tried putting the moves on my husband to maybe help put me into labor and he just said he was too tired. Over the next few days I've tried sending him sexy texts and everything. Well last night he was laying in the recliner in his underwear and I just went over and started massaging him. Nothing. absolutely nothing happened. I asked him what was wrong he finally told me he was too freaked out from what the doctor said and that he's afraid he's going to hit her head. he apologized about it and said he just can't do it. I've reassured him that's not how it works at all, but he wont change his mind. Anybody else's husband/SO feel the same way??