Clomid, trigger and only two follies cd 13 19-14 in size

Hi ladies, I’m on my first round of clomid. 100 mg days 3-7. Not monitored. But I had a scan today cd 13. Showed two follies 14 and 19. My doctor wants to do the trigger in (48 hours) two days. So I could have 18 and 23 size follies then. I’m just wondering compared to other ladies is this too late? Should I ask for E2 test?? Also I have no ewcm yet and by cd 13 I usually already have ewcm on and off for 5 days ( like one day lots then next day nothing) at this point would musinex help? I’m going to use preseed too. Also I had partial ferning and - opk today. Sorry for all the questions hopefully someone can help me please. 🙂
