How to deal with crazy baby momma drama

I have been with my fiancé going on 5 years, his name is Darrell. Things are seriously turning out for the worst, I love him to death and his son Ayden. From day one Ayden's mother Chantelle has not liked me. She hasn't made anything easy! She's told me how he's cheated on me with her and tries to get him back. She is currently pregnant and has a bad relationship with her boyfriend they break up every other week. She slanders Darrells name on Facebook calls him a bad dad a no good dad all the time. When Ayden is in her custody he's been Burt twice, left alone a cut his hair in her basement, was using drugs in her care, and other things. She doesn't want to give Ayden up and wants to keep Ayden all to herself, she thinks that is what Ayden needs in his life. We have been to court and we have 50/50 but Ayden is supposed to start school this year and we have to go back but we don't have the money. Chantelle wants to go to court soon because she has a free lawyer. Ayden says he wants to come live with us. She has called the cops on me and said I was keeping Ayden from talking to her and I have never ever not let her talk to him! I am just so stressed out with her she is just making my life hell!! Help me am lost!