My life sounds like a movie ... 🙃

Soo about a little over a year my ex had told my friend he was going to propose I was 19 and he was 21 but before he could propose I stopped him and we had a long talk

I wasn’t ready to get engaged and definitely not for marriage we dated for a few months after and then decided the best was to break up (we were at different stages in life) but it ended amicably.

3 months later he had a new gf and well .. I had all types of mix feelings but i came to terms with it. Since we have the same friend circle, I had to see him a lot at parties/ gatherings with his new gf

So fast forward a couple months, we have been acquaintances I don’t really interact with him outside our friend group. I ended running into him about 2months ago when I came home for a weekend (I moved away for college) and we had lunch he told me his relationship was rocky and he was thinking about breaking it off with her, and well I didnt have an opinion kinda just let him vent ...

so Wednesday I find out that he proposed to his Gf and now he’s engaged well all those mix emotions came back.

I feel hurt bc it was a little over a year ago he was thinking about marrying me and we had dated for 2 years about to be 3 before he wanted to propose 🙃 he only been dating his gf now fiancé for a year and 2 month also his current gf is 19 rn and he’s about to be 23.

Yeap so that’s how my life is rn. I have a whole lot of feelings and just needed to share them. Our friend group was completely shocked when they found out

For one I feel happy that he found someone and no I don’t want to get back with him or wish it was me but I still have this mixed feelings I can’t even explain if it anger sadness or ... but my current mood rn is