Ranting... don’t mind me.


I am SO upset with my friend.

I supported her and listened to her whenever she needed to talk through 4+ years of TTC and at least one miscarriage. She is now very happily a mother.

And now she’s completely ignoring me in my struggles, she’ll give me the token responses and not respond to my messages for days even when I really need support. She’s pulled the “not meant to be” and all those cliche phrases we all hate so much.

She knows I have miscarried 3 times and am struggling deeply with this last one, and she’s just not there. I get she’s got priorities with her baby and stuff but she’s read my message and been online several times with no response at all.

I just feel so let down and abandoned now that it’s my problems and not hers. I am trying to not react drastically and just remove her from my life but I am just so upset right now... I just wanted to talk to her as she’s the only one I know that’s had similar struggles...