Am I right in doing this?

My boyfriend and I enrolled at the same college for fall. We were both offered substantial scholarships and it was one of our number one choices, going together was a bonus not a deciding factor. In fact, I committed verbally (thru email) a week and a half before he did and before I knew he wanted to go. But anyways, he’s been acting different sense. Whenever i want to see him on the same day his friends want to see him he gets really weird about it and reminds me he’s not going to see them for two+ months and he’s going to see me for another four years. And I get that, but all I ask for is to see him once a week. I’m not asking him to come see me everyday or night I just want to grab lunch or chill at one of our houses for a few hours once a week and call him occasionally. Last night I was reading our old messages (we’ve been together a year and 8 months, I was reading everything from 3-13 months just skimming) and he was always making time for me!! I didn’t even realize quite how much back then. But he’d ask to come see me, if it didn’t work he’d tell me how much he misses me when we’re not together, how he wants to see me everyday etc., and now it’s like he makes me feel bad if i wanna see him? Like I’m taking something from him? His friends also aren’t the greatest people. They’re so against their friends dating people because it takes time from them that they made my senior year in high school a living hell. They even went as far as to have their parents plan a trip together that made my boyfriend end up in another city the night of our anniversary but that’s a whole other story. Basically i don’t know why he’s even such good friends with these people who treat me and People around them like shit.

I basically told my boyfriend he needs to tell me when he wants to see me so I stop feeling like he doesn’t wanna be with me when we plan something and his friends also expect him at something. I said I’m not gonna keep going out of my way to plan things just to feel let down or worried that he doesn’t want to be there as much as I do. I also recently just started having sex with him, only twice, and I thought this would be a priority. (Mutual comfort, being excited about our physical relationship, wanting to spend more time together so we can get to know each other better in that way) but the last time, while it seemed like he enjoyed it during and after, his behavior later on in the day made me wonder if he was wishing he was with his friends instead. Which does hurt me because of how they treated me. Told people I had eating disorders, called me to stupid to be with him in front of my best friend (I got a semester covered every year for college based on academics so I know that’s not true) but they’ve just said and done shady stuff to make me feel bad. I don’t know if I did the right thing by having him handle the responsibility of deciding when he wants to see me. What if we never have time together, and how is this good for us even if we are going to have each other in college shouldn’t he want to build up our relationship as strong as possible?

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