Let’s talk PCOS


PCOS is the worst. I was diagnosed 2 years ago however I’m now undergoing testing for endometriosis. I wanted to discuss the symptoms you all get with PCOS.

My main PCOS symptoms are:

Irregular periods

Hair in REALLY UNWANTED PLACES eg around my nipples/belly/chin

Chip pan oily face

Yo-Yo weight

Hair falling out (BUT I have insanely thick hair so sometimes I think I just malt).


The reason I’m getting tested for endometriosis is because when I do have a period it is literally soul destroying. I have insane pains (I’ve gone to A&E; before with them thinking I was having an ectopic pregnancy it was that bad), insane back aches and crucifying hip pain. It literally makes me vomit and go dizzy, I can barely stand up when it happens. As far as I’m aware this is NOT a symptom of PCOS.

Does anyone else get this? What are your symptoms???