Irritability and Early Pregnancy?

So AF is due in 8 days and I believe I am 8 dpo. I have been irritable the past two days and weepy for no reason. I cried off and on for an HR. today! I am exhausted! I slept off and on all day yesterday and all through the night and I still feel exhausted. I had my 2ond miscarriage last month and so it is making me not even want to test. We have been trying to conceive for the past 3 years with no such luck. I have a prolactinoma and they just did a whole blood work up Friday to see if my prolactin is in normal range and to check me for clotting issues and blood disorders. Anyways did any of you ladies have any of these symptoms in early pregnancy? Oh and I have had a consistent headache. Praying for a Rainbow Baby! 🙏🏼🌈