Just Exhausted


I just need to get all of this out there!

Hubby and i have been TTC for about a year and 4 months. We have had 2 miscarriages 5 months apart. Now on our 3rd round of clomid. I was diagnosed hypothyroid and then Hashimotos after my last miscarriage in January. Trying to learn and correct these things is completely exhausting. Not to mention the emotional roller coaster that happens every month with TTC.

I manage 2 dental offices and 95% of the time, i love my job and my teams. I have to fire someone tomorrow, which sucks. But my office can no longer function with her there because she calls off so much. So I’ve been stressed this weekend trying to figure out how to handle this. It’s not the first time I’ve let someone go, but it doesn’t get any easier. I’m also trying to hire another person because another girl had to quit to take care of a bunch of medical stuff.

My 18 year old sister has to have 4 masses biopsied that they found on her thyroid last week. The doctor is very concerned with it and is bringing her in on an emergency visit to get it done. My mom had thyroid cancer when i was young and ended up having to have chemo, radiation and her thyroid removed. My sister just graduated high school and is going off to college in August. It’s terrifying.

I’m just exhausted. I need a break.