Paranoid about weight gain


Hi ladies,

I have been ultra concerned about weight gain and it’s seriously stressing me out. I lost about 80lbs before falling pregnant (I gained back about 5-7lbs just before finding out I was pregnant at 4 weeks) and i currently sit at 210 having gained 3-4 lbs so far at 16weeks.

When I visited my midwife at 12 weeks she told me she doesn’t want me to go over 220lbs but how the hell am I supposed to pull that off?! I had gained maybe a pound, if that, in the first 12 weeks but now it seems the weight is creeping up despite a healthy diet and working out a few times a week.

It’s seriously becoming a mental health issue as I’m on the scale daily. I’ll be seeing her this Thursday and I’m paranoid that my weight will be even higher then (especially since it’s an evening appointment and I’ll have eaten during the day). Any tips on fighting weight gain or dealing with this constant paranoia?