My husbands grandma is your typical Jewish grandma, old fashion traditions and very stuck in her ways. I TOTALLY respect her for her traditions. She actually had the audacity to continually say rude comments to me throughout the ENTIRE baby shower. It was just very overwhelming.

Anyway, my husbands mother threw me a beautiful shower and invited her sister and mom to the party, and when they were there they walked around the party telling everyone how we are too young to have kids and that my family is crazy. My grandma and momma told her it was a little too late to be talking shit at this point 😂 LOL. When the three get together, my hubs mom turns into a different person. On any normal occasion she is sweet as heck! But with her mom and sister in one house she’s just totally 🤬 (let’s just say she’s not very nice). His grandma told me many times that the items I had on my registry for the shower were irrelevant and over priced that I could as easily go to Walmart and get stretchy fabric from there and use it instead of a baby carrier/sling... WHAT? Why would I do that?😂

Number 1: I am 20 currently and 4 months after our baby girl is born I’ll be 21. My husband is 19, lives on his own supporting me, and our unborn child, bought his own truck (his parents refused to help him with any loan, prior to our marriage/ having a baby) and has a full time job working as an HVAC tech. We have been so lucky to have him as our bread winner. 💘💘 PLEASE TELL ME IF THERE IS EVER A PERFECT TIME TO HAVE A BABY?

Number 2: My mom had my older sister with a bad man who ultimately ended up hitting her so she left her first marriage, I was an oops and I’ve been blessed with a hard working mom who worked her butt of to take care of my sister and I. My biological father was married and had a son from his marriage, whom is my older brother, his wife found out about me and stayed with him and they had my younger sister. They have been married for 27 years. After I turned 15 my mom remarried to a man who had twin girls who are now my step sisters. BASICALLY, because my family isn’t “picture” perfect, and we have a very blended family, we’re all crazy??

Number 3: PLEASE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. His grandma in her own way let me know that I have no idea what it will be like to have a child, that I’m SO naïve to think that I will manage my own child on my own. LAUGHED IN MY FACE, DURING MY SHOWER 🤭 I would feel so different if she had suggestions and positive feedback for me, instead of belittling me in front of our families and our friends. I was so embarrassed...

I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in a situation in my life... I actually had to walk out of the house take a 2 minute pity party that my husband interrupted, watching me ugly cry for about a minute of it and then I just powered through the shower...

I’ve been nothing but kind to his entire family no matter what the situation but I think it’s time to take a minute with my husband and consider our options. His family concerns me with how they treat me, of how they might treat my baby.

Okay thanks for listening to my rant, I am not perfect and I am not a total crazy person I just felt attacked and I feel horrible for my husband being in the middle of the whole ordeal and I needed to get it off my chest. I can’t exactly talk to him about this because of conflict of interest ☹️☹️ I’m totally rambling but welcome to my pregnancy brain 🧠