
Tori • A tattoo/piercer of five years. Lvl 25. I help people express themselves with my art. Momma to two baby girls & future wife to Hunter ❤️💍

I keep getting emails like this

I’ve never given out my email unless it’s for business or I’m signing up for something but never to porn sites or dating stuff. Is is normal to get stuff like this? It’s in my junk mail and it’s tagging itself as spam so I’m assuming it’s spam but do you get junk mail like this without sending out your email? Me and my boyfriend share this email for important stuff. When I showed it too him je swore up and down it’s not him and said if it was me why would I use our shared email, which makes sense if he’s going to do it why use our joined email where I will see it. It’s weird because it’s saying I have profiles and stuff when I dont and girls (who I assume are robots and not real) are messaging me like we talked before ( as you can see from the photo) is this normal? And do you have to sign up for something or use your email somewhere weird for this to happen or is it just spam? I’m not 100% sure how emails work sometimes since I just use them for important stuff and then I’m done with it lol. I wanna trust my boyfriend but I feel like it’s kinda weird for this to happen on its on. Help!

Small update: in the picture where it says “hi do you remember me” and says sent from my iPhone that isn’t either of us talking to them. The email was sent to us but I did reply to it asking who it was but I’m sure it’s just a bot. Just wanted to make that clear.

Another update: Thank you guys so much for responding! I figured it was spam but my boyfriend was questioning it too because there was emails confirming my application to be a cam girl and a porn star or something and I was like I’ve never signed up to be one lol. They had my full name and gave me a code to make it look legit like I was getting a job. I don’t want it to ruin our relationship or trust anymore we’re dealing with enough. I just needed to know I’m not the only one and it’s normal. Thanks you guys!