Pregnancy after loss/chemical pregnancy loss.

Jenna • Married: 10/10/16 💍 💙 3/22/17 🌈🌈 💗 02/06/20 IVF baby.

I’m on day 4 of bleeding and still passing tissue as a result of what the Dr. called a chemical pregnancy. With my previous pregnancy and birth of my son, I did not experience anything quite like this pregnancy and I just knew something was wrong...from the moment I found out I was pregnant to the moment I started the MC.

My question for all of you ladies who have fell pregnant after a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage in did it work for you? Was your cycle back to normal afterward? How long until your period came back? How long after did you get your BFP? I’d love to hear about your success will give me hope in a time I just want Ben and Jerry’s and hide in my bed.

Baby dust to all💗💗💗