Okay so high chances are ??

renee • Momma to a angel baby 👼🏼💛(3.25.19)

Okay so my fertile time was from the 30th of may to the 4th which idek why it dosent say that but I had sex on the 27th and 29th as well as the 5th of June so I then wasn’t suppose to start until the 18th but I started spotting the 12th and in the last picture is how I spotted until the 13th when it was a little darker but mainly still spotting my periods are usually heavy and painful this one was extremely light and easy so I was wondering if there was a chance of being pregnant my boobs have gotten sore and I’m nauseous here and there the thing is I always think I am to get my hopes up so it would be nice to have some inside as well as the bottom of my stomach is very bloated and I usually bloat around the top and it’s kind of tender what do you think ? I’ve also have thrown up 2 times and I’m very very very gassy ??