Confused and scared

I know this should be posted I. Masturbation but not much are active .

Every time I masturbate I feel extremely sick.

I get

- dizzy

- nauseous


- headache

I’m like pretty sure I don’t go to hard, but then I don’t know now.

This morning, I masturbated. With my hands and toys.. usual.

Though it was so bad after I stopped.

I felt all the above but this time I blacked out and lost control of my body. I went to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to throw up, but I didn’t. Though I didn’t know what was going on either.. I remember turning the tap on to wash my face but the next I knew I was on the floor and I couldn’t see clearly I felt like everything was a blur.. this never happened before. After I took a seat for 5/10 minutes it went away. Though I was so scared/still am.

I have never had sex so I don’t know if this is normal, but I’m pretty sure it’s not.

Someone tell me what to do or whatever this is please. I am scared..