Ovarian Cysts


Does anyone on here have ovarian cysts? I've went to the hospital before and I had a CT scan and there was fluid so they said I could've possibly had a cyst that ruptured. Last night, I had so many sharp pains in my stomach. Then tonight, TMI kinda, me and my boyfriend were having sex and then after, I couldn't even move. I was like doubled over in pain. It hurt so bad. I have a high pain tolerance, but I was bawling. I have never been in so much pain in my life. It felt like someone was ripping my lower abdomen apart. The pain was going from there all the way to my butt and every time I tried to move, it got so much worse. I'm better than I was now, but the pain is still there, just not as intense. Could this have been a cyst rupturing? or?