My birth story! Long


In 06/25/2018 at 6am or so I wake up with a little of pain (contractions) but because I been having contractions since 20 weeks I just ignore them so the day continue and I feeling like I going to throw up and also like I going to pass out but I been feeling like that since a week ago so I said it’s nothing but I start to throw up so I let my husband know and said call L&D; to see what they say so I did and the nurse tell me to get in to see what going on and check the baby so I call my husband back and tell him. Around 2:30pm we get to the hospital and around 3:00pm I was in on triage so the connect the monitor to see the baby and also my contractions so my contractions are about 7-10min apart so they said maybe it’s time so they put me some fluid and said maybe this spot the contractions also the midwife check me and I was 3cm 70% they wait 2 hours or so to see if contractions stop or I still dilated so when she come back to check me the contractions still now more pain full more constant about 3-5 minutes so she check my progress and said now you are 4cm 70% still so since I was just 37w3d she said maybe it not time yet so now she send me to walk around for 1.5 hours so I did when I walk I having contractions every two minute so I walk almost 2 hours and come back to room but even in my room I cannot be still because of the pain so I start walking around in my room about 15min later the midwife come and check me and said you are 4.5cm and 80% so we see progress you stay here (thanks to God because I said in my mind if they send me home with this pain I don’t know what I going to do) so they move me to birth room around 8:30pm start filling paper, more fluids and also check me again because now I have a new midwife and gynecology so now I’m at 5-6cm 80% so I choose to have the epidural and after the fluid are almost done they do the epidural (not painful at all) that was around 8:45pm them I rest a little also the nurse come back to put me oxygen and go. At 9:00pm they come back to ask me if is ok to broke my water because they need to see the real heart beat of my baby since the monitor is not right I said yes and the do it also put something in baby head to monitored the heart beat better. At 10:20pm I call the nurse because I start feeling the pain again so the move me and said maybe in few minutes the pain is better if not call me to let the anesthesiologist know to come and checked also she check me and I was 7cm. Around 10:40pm I call her again because the pain never go and the fell worst she said let see the only way the pain going to go away is if you have the baby so she check me again and said push and is time to push so she call the midwife and the gynecology and they coming and put everything fast and said in the next contractions you going to push so I did like 4 push and my baby boy was completely out and in my chest OMG I never going to forget they felling.

He was 7 pounds 6.5 oz and 18” long.

For some of you that ask is you feeling something or so I said not I never imagine my baby going to born this day.

He was so red because he coming out to fast and that burn he face. Day of birth.

This one is for yesterday