19 days late for AF and still BFN on Saturday..


Can some of you ladies share some of your stories if you have experienced anything like this and still ended up Preggo? Some background... my last form of Birth control was in January, started tracking OPK in April, have not been late more than 4 days for my cycle in the past, never been pregnant, ttc, and married. I've been super nauseous today and have been for about a week or so, high cervix, alot of creamy/egg white CM since 1dpo, no soreness/tenderness in boobs, emotional, strange headache the other day at work and more frequent acne (rarely get those). I did do a new 4 week meal plan/workout plan last month and lost 12 lbs... however the RN I saw last week said that is not enough weight loss to throw my cycle off. My last cycle started on 5/16/18. HELPPPPP!!! They wont let me make an appointment with the OB unless I'm for sure preggo.... 😥😥😭😭😭😭😔😔😔