Sex is a chore

So sex is becoming a chore for husband and it’s irritating because I obviously want to have sex and I understand for him takes work because the only way I can orgasm is through oral sex. He already has a low sex drive so that doesn’t help.

How often does ur man give oral sex?

Just curious cuz one time he told me his coworkers didn’t like to go down on their wifes... this was a long time ago but I’m just curious..

Also any advice on things I can do?

(I try to send him pics and make comments and stuff but he doesn’t really like those things... (i wish he did) he says he likes things to happen naturally not planned.. 🙄

Sometimes I feel like the guy and him the girl in the relationship only when it comes to sex! Like me being up to whenever however and him has to happen naturally....

I’m not very patient so that doesn’t help either....

Need some help ladies!