Work probs 😕


So I am 36W1D and I am so exhausted at work now, I stand for a long period of time too. I recently worked up the courage to ask my boss to switch me around in positions, I currently clean our gym and I’m a lead. I asked if i can clean for the 3hrs (which I am fine with) and the watch the kids after for 4hrs (let’s me rest my feet for 4hrs) then stay the extra hour after to do gym touch ups if needed. My boss right away said he would have to cut my hours or I can do a split shift (I can’t because the gym isn’t close to me) The next day I brought it up again to hope he at least thought about it, then right away he told

Me someone asked him for more hours and that he will be giving them to her. Last night I was so exhausted and just done with the bs, I started crying because I am just frustrated. I’m not asking for any special treatment or anything, but you would think your boss would try to make you feel comfortable during your last weeks of pregnancy instead of being an ass 😞 I don’t know what to do anymore, I might just put my maternity leave in today but I still want to bring money in until the baby comes😞 this is soooo stressful 😔