Weight gain 😩



I’ve gained 6 pounds and I’m exactly 12 weeks. Eating has been such a struggle. The first 10 weeks were horrible with nausea and I could only eat bread, crackers, and pretzels. Now it’s better but I still can’t really eat meat, but I’ve been eating more fruits and veggies... and carbs but not as much and whole wheat. Anyone else in the same boat? I’m trying to slow this weight gain down 😩

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Posted at
from what I've read, around 5 pounds is normal in the first trimester. that's right where I'm at now at 12 weeks 4 days.


Kathleen • Jul 4, 2018
I cant remember which app I saw it on but somewhere it said for an average starting weight. 5 pounds during first trimester. 2/3 pound per week during 2nd trimester. 1 pound per week during 3rd trimester. my doctor said a total of 30 pounds for me and that's about the right calculation too. obviously it's going to fluctuate a bit but my goal is to stay right around there.


Ma • Jul 4, 2018
Thank you!


Posted at
I have only gained 7 and am 13 weeks doctor told me that is right on track so I wouldn’t stress at all. Seems like you are gaining weight as you should be. Hope you get to feeling better!


Ma • Jul 4, 2018
Thank you!!!


Posted at
When I went to the doctor 2 Monday’s ago at 11w3d I had gained 6 lbs. I haven’t been very sick, but I’ve been craving fruits, veggies, and I stick with whole grains. I used to stay away from carbs prior to this as much as I could but I haven’t been doing that since I’ve been pregnant. I’m 12w4d today and I feel like a house 😩😩😩 I’ve been trying to find a bathing suit for vacation next week and I just wish I looked cute and pregnant instead of fat!! I wasn’t exactly happy with my weight before I got pregnant, I could have stood to lose 25-30 lbs... now I’m stressing about the weight gain and I just feel fat. My bf says I’m being too hard on myself and he’s probably right. I definitely want to make sure the weight I’m gaining is healthy, normal pregnancy weight.


Je • Jul 4, 2018
You also!


Je • Jul 4, 2018
Dog for a walk (sorry, I hate where the reply button is, I keep hitting it before it’s done!) Anyway, I walked around the mall for hours today! I need to start doing stuff like that daily even inside when it’s hot. Good luck to


Je • Jul 4, 2018
Yep, this is my first. I’ve also been trying to walk, it’s just been so hot. It’s easy to take my


Posted at
Yes! I feel you! I've felt so nauseous that I didn't eat fruit or veg for 2 weeks. I've gained weight, but we've just moved and I can't find the scales so I can only estimate that I must have gained around the same as you. I'm hoping we both feel better soon so we can eat more normally!


Ma • Jul 4, 2018
Yes hopefully!!! Thank you!