Blending families


My BF and I have been together for 8 months and have been talking moving in together and marriage for the near future so it’s moving in that direction. How do you blend the kids though? His daughter is 6 and has been an only child and only grandchild. None of his brothers have kids so she is used to getting all the attention. He has her every other weekend and more during the summer when she doesn’t have school (they don’t live in the same town and he works 12.5 hour shifts overnight so it makes it hard) I have 7 year old twin boys- one is very headstrong and the other more laid back. When they are all together it’s a power struggle. She and my headstrong child like to be in control and argue constantly. She’s bossy to my other one also. I’m not putting all blame on her either. My kids can be mean at times and we’ve been working on them not spouting out something mean just because they’re mad. So the main question is how have you dealt with blending the kids and helping everyone get along?