When did you mama’s begin dilating in previous pregnancies?

Alexis • Mama of a sweet boy. Girlfriend. Baby #2 coming January 2021 ✨🖤

I’m 32 weeks and my cervix is still closed, so just curious!!

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With my first My OB told me at my appointment 4 days before my baby was born spontaneously that my baby was going to be in there a while and wasn't interested in being birthed soon. He suggested an induction because baby also looked like he was going to be a big baby. Normal size baby, and had the baby that week 🙄 Checking dilation is stupid lol


Ch • Jul 4, 2018
Right! Every woman's body is different... we don't birth by numbers.


Jen • Jul 3, 2018
Word! I get them panicked because I'm at a 4 at 35 weeks. Nothing happens for a month. Ugh.


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Can you add a poll option??


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Around 39 weeks for my first two, and both were born days before 40 weeks.


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I didn’t dilate until I was overdue. At 39 weeks I was closed, not even effaced. At 41 weeks I was 2cm and 80% effaced and went into labor at 41+2 after my membranes were stripped at that 41 week appt. Everyone is different. 🤷🏼‍♀️


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I didn’t start dilating until I was in early labor at 40+2


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I didn’t until I was induced at 41 weeks. A lot of women don’t see much dilation until it’s delivery day. Don’t get discouraged on those numbers!


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lots of people dont dilate at all before birth. it's perfectly normal. whether you're dilated before hand or not is no indication on when labor will happen or how it will go


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previously at like 35 weeks this time around 29 weeks


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I'm 31+4 now and am 1cm


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I was 100% closed when I got induced at 40+4