tiny vent

whats happenings:

so now that there's only 9 weeks left.. and im getting things done the way i want and need. our friend is moved in with us last night.. which we offered him the room 7 months ago and i have no problem with him staying with us that part is kool.


he's our best friend of 10 years, he is normally really clean, and really nice. he just broke up with his wife 7 months ago and broke up with his gf last night... its a big mental deal and i honestly feel like im overreacting but im also 7 months prego and find it hard to chill out when im mad.. im not perfect.

so last night:

we get home late i have living room full of hungry kids watching tv while i make something for them. i get finished and bring there food to them and there's 12 empty beers sitting on the coffee table and he's ran hiding outback on the phone with his wife and acks like its a huge deal that i asked him to get his beer cleaned up.. we hardly ever drink and seeing those cans unexpectedly on my coffee table sounded by kids kind of startled me.. other thing is we have a big 60lbs puppy that loves to eat everything especially toilet paper.. and he knows this he's spent lots of time here. we keep the bathrooms closed its.a simple mistake but it bugged the fuck out me that i have to keep shutting the door behind him.

i dont want to sound or feel all bitchy but its slightly stressing me out and hard to come to terms with such a big change before our other big change.

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Posted at
my brother in law stayed with us and he did a lot of the things you are complaining about. ultimately once i was about 36 weeks i had enough. i couldnt deal with with the added stress of a man toddler and a newborn baby lol. so he had to go and once he did i felt 100% better. my opinion would be to tell your friend he has to go by a certain time because of the new baby or however you wanna phrase it. just my experience! hope it all works out xoxo


kk • Jul 3, 2018
my husband was the same way. sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands and do whats best for you. its a tough situation but itll all work out!


Sarah • Jul 3, 2018
thanks love that makes me feel a lot better. im hoping things will smooth now but fully prepared to and the fact that my hubby is denying that i even need to talk to him about makes it more upsetting. but im just gonna have to lay out the rules i dont wanna be bitchy but extra stress right now is too much.


Posted at
Whew i know this all to well u will need to sit him down and explain the house rules like he is a child unfortunately. my ultimate pet peeve is drinking all around the kids that is a no no in my house u will respect it or get out. And while setting house rules give him a date to get it togther to be out before baby comes.


Lady T • Jul 4, 2018
right and keep in mind our hormones are on the rise so also explain that to him as well just let him know u are not being an ass but these are the things rhat arent cool and my hormones are everywhere so if im bitchy let me know but at the same time i need u to respect the house rules im sure he will get it . good luck hun


Sarah • Jul 3, 2018
thank you ladies so much for replying and i think you guys are right rules are gonna be placed and followed or this wont work. i still feel like im a tad overreacting tho cuz like he just had 12 beers and 4 hours of sleep plus all the drama so im gonna lay out the rules but im also try to not be too harsh right now either cuz hes also one of my closest friends which makes it even more complicated cuz its not like hes just my hubbys friend that i hate or something. but still rules will be rules and a coffee table full of empty boose is gonna be one of them especially when their so many awake children in the house. you wanna drink fine grab you a beer chill out back trash it when your done. not fill my livingroom like its a party cuz your having a bad night.


Posted at
so i told him last night he needs to help out a little like 300 month and some food. so today he hands me 150 and tells me hes moving out and packs up and leaves. he said its cuz he wants to be closer to his kids. i say its cuz we didnt let a grown ass man who male 4g a month live scotch free food and board. anyways now my hubby is mad at me for asking him and im like ok kool shouldn't u be mad at him for using you??? but no im the bad guy. w.e now we don't have to feed him too!!


Posted at
yeaterday was fine had the talk it went mostly well but he did kinda make me feel like i was the bad guy cuz "he was having a really bad day and i know hes not normally like that" but now today he tells us hes only gonna be here a month maybe two, and hes gonna save all his money so he can move in other words hes not gonna be helping with bills rent or food. yeah im fucking mad now. dont come in my house making 4000 a month eat my food make me empty my babys room so u have a roof over ur head and tell us were gonna support you when we dont even make that much. im on state insurance and shit we dont have money to support you!!! we barely get rent paid and were about to have a baby!!


Lady T • Jul 5, 2018
no u need to discuss with ur husband and him that the time he is there he at least needs to give 50 maybe 75 dollars a week that way he is helping towards what he uses and eats. that only fair i wouldn't settle for that put ur foot down


Sarah • Jul 4, 2018
so fucking mad right now >.< and my husband says again "its no big deal, ill talk to him" fing fed up atm happy 4th of july oh and guess who's drinking 3rd night in a row!! >.>